by Mary Shelley

Music composed by PAUL FLUSH
Bastian Tyrko plays Igor and ensemble
Gerald Dorrity plays Monster and ensemble
Holly Demaine plays Elisabeth and ensemble
Timotei Cobeanu plays Victor and ensemble
Duration: 90 min.
Q&A: can be arranged
Study material: free of charge
FRANKENSTEIN is one of the most potent modern myths.
TNT revives its internationally acclaimed production in autumn 2024. Too many stage versions and even films ignore that this story is not a novel but a myth that has grown out of Mary Shelley’s original, so our production combines Boris Karloff’s immense impact with that of the original story to create a fascinating and entertaining new work. This FRANKENSTEIN is a Gothic comedy and a gripping horror thriller that explores the darker themes within the myth. Should scientific research be held back by irrational prejudice or religious belief? Is human cloning or stem cell research immoral? Should humanity seek to create artificial life? Can science ever be restrained?
These pressing questions are explored through melodrama, high comedy, and spine-tingling terror as the Monster is revealed in all his lonely suffering. There is even time for a love story—who is the true Bride of Frankenstein?
The play is directed by Paul Stebbings, who has explored this style of “serious” Gothic comedy in productions such as THE MURDER OF SHERLOCK HOLMES and THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY, which have been hugely successful, winning prizes at the Edinburgh Festival and performing in over forty countries in Europe and Asia.
FRANKENSTEIN incorporates music and sound effects by noted composer Paul Flush that weaves through the drama in the manner of a film score. The theatrical style is highly visual, and the pace is fast and furious. The production appeals to a wide audience, including those with only a moderate level of English.
This powerful work reveals why the name ‘Frankenstein’ resonates in the modern world like few others. FRANKENSTEIN is perhaps our most potent symbol for our fear of a future beyond human control.
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