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Wishing you Merry Christmas!

ARTED NET says thank you for your support and encouragement to keep going. The year of 2020 saw the creation of ARTED NET and witnessed all its first challenging choices. Our family pulses with the energy of several artists and we hope to achieve even more with all of them in the future.

ARTED NET is thrilled to work with TNT Britain & ADG Europe ensuring schools worldwide to experience high-quality English theatre and with THEATRE DU HERON to spread the language of Molière globally. We are also excited about our new collaboration with THEATER SPASS providing German workshops and performances in schools just as we are elated to work with MARIONETTE GRILLI allowing Italian traditional puppetry theatre to be staged in classes and courtyards all over the world.

Stop-Motion video workshops
Stop-Motion video workshops

Besides traditional theatre performances, ARTED NET is also focusing on bringing theatrical experiences to schools in a different format such as workshops linked to literature - teaming up with Compagnia Proprietà Commutativa for Italian language workshops and with the artist Lisa D'Allessandro to link school curriculum to stop-motion (video) techniques.

Butterfly Theatre Company has created an online show on Zoom which will be adapted to workshops for schools in the nearest future. We hope that 2021 will also allow our new Spanish project "Don Quijote" - in collaboration with TNT & Terruno Espressivo - to arise and our collaboration with and their online theatre platform to bear fruit which we hope will allow the educational field to link up with the artistic domain more and more.

Merry Christmas everyone and let's stick together for a brighter new year - full of clapping and curtain calls!

Mangled Yarn invites you to enjoy their newest show - from home - during the Holiday Season: Everytime the Bell Rings



© 2025 by ARTED NET

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